The Bible, Various

Today’s book review marks a momentous occasion in my young life. I have often times wanted to read through the entire Bible, but with several failures I never seemed to accomplish this goal. In 2013, I was inspired to try to read the Bible 4 times in a year (roughly once every 13 weeks). I made it up until about the Psalms before I fell off of this goal. But this year I wanted to make a conscious effort to take time to spend reading my Bible. I started timing my reading everyday and it often came to around 20-30 minutes. To me, the sacrifice of maybe 30 minutes of my time everyday is worth getting to know the God who created me.

The Bible is really the most brilliant piece of literature ever created. From beginning to end, you read about the glory of God: through the story of Israel; the Psalms that showcase the attributes of God; the prophets who mourn over Israel’s unfaithfulness; the Gospel’s that tell the story of a carpenter who was the God-man Jesus Christ, sent to die for the propitiation of our sins; the story of Acts that piece together the story of the early church; the epistles of Paul, Peter, Jude, James, and the writer of Hebrews that explain in more detail the teachings of Jesus; and finally, the story of how it will all end one day, where every knee will bow and every tongue with confess Jesus as Lord.

Of course I could say much more about the Bible, but I suppose you will just have to read it for yourself! My goal for this year is to read the Bible 4 times. I have already started on my second time through and am looking forward to reading it again!

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