Justo Gonzalez is a not only a master historian, he is an expert storyteller. On the precipice of the entire history of Christianity, Gonzalez not only weaves narratives seamlessly to …
Tag: Church History
There are few figures in American history that loom so loudly as Jonathan Edwards. Of the philosopher/theologians of Europe we can count many: John Calvin, Augustine of Hippo, Martin Luther, …
Early in my Christian life, I remember reading and hearing about this man, Augustine. Who he was, what he did, and why everyone was talking about him was beyond me. …
This past semester, my church started a new Sunday School series about the English Reformation. To the English (and to those who speak English), William Tyndale was a great reformer …
The Pauline Epistles, I have to say, are my most favorite in the New Testament. The ubiquitous Apostle Paul, formerly Saul the persecutor, is a classic story in the book …
When I first became a Christian, I remember being recommended a book by Tom Nelson of Denton Bible Church called, “What Did Christianity Ever Do For Us?” by Jonathan Hill. In this book, one …
So I’ve taken a little break from blogging, but not from reading. I know I’m a little behind in my weekly book reading (the last post was from, yikes, February …