I am a big Tom Clancy fan, and while I haven’t read his entire collection of work, I’ve read enough to know it’s fast-paced, intricate, and heavy on military jargon. …
Tag: Fiction
Imagine an earth that has gone through the most apocalyptic situation you can imagine, e.g., post nuclear warfare. Now imagine that humans have developed the technology to take to the …
This year, I’ve been on a Brandon Sanderson kick. I have mentioned already the power of his story telling. In what I have already read of Sanderson, it is apparent …
After reading Jurassic Park, I couldn’t help but devour more Michael Crichton. Airframe was available at my library so I picked it up. Jurassic Park, to me, was exciting because …
** spoiler alert ** I started “The Themis Files” series last year. While I don’t have those book reviews, what I can say about this series is that it is clever …
Now here’s a fiction book that I can get behind: Star Wars. I’ve already said I have a weakness for these smutty Sci-fi books, so I won’t apologize. But “Last …
I’ve never read a John Grisham novel, but I have heard good things. This book in particular seemed to have a promising start. Four friends go to Foggybottom Law School, …
This book grabbed my attention because it was on the New York Times bestsellers list. The premise is this: as tensions thaw between Havana and Washington, so too are the …
You have to be living under a rock if you don’t know the basic premise of Jurassic Park. So, if you’re on of those people, stop reading now. But if …
I reviewed the first of the “bobiverse” books last year . The second book was a serious departure from the first. Despite the many positive reviews on audible, I did …